Tissot Heritage Memphis Gent

T134.410.27.011.00 - 限量錶 2,500 支

  • 直徑41 mm
  • 雕花後底蓋
  • 瑞士製石英機芯
  • 拱型防刮藍寶石水晶鏡面
  • 可快拆錶帶
Tissot Heritage Memphis Gent
查看 1 個可用版本
NT$ 13,800.00
Tissot Heritage Memphis Gent
查看 9 個可用錶帶


  • This Memphis design is a thrilling throwback to a pop of culture phenomenon. The Tissot Heritage Memphis stands out from the crowd with a seconds indicator in the center that dispenses with a hand in favor of a small disc marked with a dot. The case backs comprise a pattern of seemingly random geometric shapes, reminiscent of the backgrounds of all Memphis décor. This pattern is repeated on the interior faces of the rubber straps. Show your true colors through a geometric and vivid design.

  • 天梭表錶帶快拆系統

    天梭表 (Tissot) 提供配備可自行快拆錶帶系統的腕錶。輕鬆解鎖配戴者無需工具即可輕鬆快速拆卸錶帶並可互換錶帶。它提供了更多的選擇來個性化您的腕錶, 並透過兩次簡單的按壓*就可以來因應任何場合需求。 *此為示意圖像

  • 防水效能


Tissot Heritage Memphis Gent

NT$ 13,800.00