Tissot Classic Dream


  • Diâmetro42 mm
  • Caixa de aço inoxidável 316L com revestimento PVD dourado amarelo
  • Movimento Suíço de Quartzo
  • Vidro de safira resistente a riscos
  • Bracelete intercambável de troca rápida
Tissot Classic Dream
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Tissot Classic Dream
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Especificidades técnicas

  • The Tissot Classic Dream is a long-lasting model of the brand, ideal for those looking for a classical piece with a minimalistic design. Made of 316L stainless steel, this high-quality alloy allows for strong corrision resistance and excellent durability. Dauphine hands ensure readability precision, with a distinctive character and clean look. Finally, the interchangeable quick release bracelet system offers the possibility to change bracelets without any tool, for maximum versatility.

  • Accessorization

    Tissot offers watches with an interchangeable strap system. The easy unlock system enables to remove the strap easily and quickly without the need of a tool. Interchangeable straps are the ultimate accessorisation. It offers greater choices to personalise your watch and to suit any occasion in two simple clicks*. *Non-contractual image

  • Resistência à água

    Todas as caixas dos relógios Tissot são sujeitas a inúmeros controlos como o da resistência à água. A Tissot testa a capacidade do relógio de resistir aos choques e à pressão mas também à penetração de líquidos, gases e poeiras, reproduzindo as condições reais em que o relógio poderá vir a encontrar-se.

Tissot Classic Dream
